Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What are you reading?

It's said that all great leaders read...a lot.
Great leaders are constantly learning.
Great leaders are great learners.
Great leaders never assume they "know" everything.
Great leaders don't read to support their already held beliefs either.
Great leaders read to push belief, position, comfort, and ideas.

Because what you read tells a lot about how you lead...

Do you resonate with this list?
If so, what are you reading?



  1. Definitely resonate with this list, although I think that reading/learning have to be balanced with actual doing.

    I am currently reading "Desiring the Kingdom" by James K.A. Smith. It is a great book about how our "liturgies" affect our desires, which ultimately determines our actions and how important understanding that concept is to anyone in the field of "christian education/formation".

    I am also reading "Game of Thrones" because you shouldn't only read high and lofty theological books.

    I am also reading "Water" in the home-brewing elements series because you should have hobbies.

  2. absolutely!
    if you're reading books that push and challenge you, doing is the natural by-product.
